Attorney & Law Firms Directory in New York
Find a New York Personal Injury Lawyer, Manhattan Divorce Lawyer or New York City (NYC) DUI Attorneys Quickly Using Lawyersdirectoryusa
Lawyers Directory USA is your one-stop-directory for legal law firms and legal aids operating in America. The New York attorneys dominate a fair share of the prominent lawyer listings amidst the 50,000 law firms we feature on this platform.
You can find a legal aid working in NYC to file for a divorce, lawsuit, personal injury and a whole lot more here.
What’s the Purpose of this Directory?
Are you stuck in a legal bind? Need to fight off a DUI charge? Planning to file for a divorce? Then you better find the right legal aid to help your case.
This is where we come in. Searching for the best attorney isn’t easy in a city as big as New York. That’s why we’ve created this wonderful website to list all the top lawyers working here.
We offer our users:
Localized Searches:
You can get a list of the most reputable attorneys working near you.
Sub Directories and Registries:
Our search-specific filters help you find a lawyer that meets all your requirements.
Experts in Every Corner:
From DUI charges, criminal attorney, personal injury to divorce and family lawyers. We’ve rounded up experts from every field.
Accessibility & Availability:
Not only is it easy to find the right lawyer here. But we’ve also opened multiple lines of communications. So that instead of chasing after the lawyers you’ll find one available on speed dial.
This is the best virtual forum to find the top attorneys operating in Manhattan and nearby locations.
So What Are You Waiting for?
Let the Search for the Best Lawyer in New York Begin!
Why Should New York Lawyers Sign Up?
In this competitive climate, you’ve got to do anything you can to get an edge over the rivalry. This is why registering your legal practice on our lawyer’s directory is such a great idea. Our lawyer’s listing help you get the all the attention you need in this digitally inclined world.
We can offer you:
- Better Visibility
- Credibility Boost
- Wider Reach
& Ultimately More Cases
Information on Attorneys
If you suspect you might need a lawyer’s help, you likely have many questions about the process. One critical step is selecting the right attorney. Ensure the lawyer is licensed to practice in New York and maintains good standing with the New York State Office of Court Administration. It’s also wise to research the attorney’s reputation and experience level. During your initial meeting or phone call, assess whether your personalities align and if you feel comfortable communicating openly and confidently.
Typically, a lawyer will charge a fee for their services. It’s important to understand their fee structure, so be sure to inquire about costs during your first consultation. Lawyers generally utilize three main payment models: contingent fees, hourly rates, or flat fees. Most often, lawyers charge hourly for their services. Contingent fees, usually applicable in personal injury cases, mean the lawyer is compensated based on a percentage of the damages awarded at the case’s conclusion. A flat fee is an upfront, predetermined cost often used for straightforward tasks like document preparation.
While working with your lawyer, it’s essential to be cooperative and honest, as this will facilitate the best possible outcome for your situation. Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you don’t understand something or are unclear about the progress of your case. Your attorney should keep you updated, but remember that the legal process can sometimes be slower than expected.
If you lose trust in your lawyer or feel dissatisfied with their services, try to address the concerns with them directly as soon as possible. If unresolved, you have several options: you can either end your relationship with the lawyer and seek new representation or choose to represent yourself. Additionally, you can lodge a complaint against your lawyer with the Disciplinary or Grievance Committee. Should there be a disagreement regarding fees, consider arbitration, which is often preferable to litigation.
In New York, there are various pathways to becoming a lawyer. The conventional route involves earning an undergraduate degree, passing the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), obtaining a Juris Doctor (JD) degree from an American Bar Association-approved law school, and successfully completing the New York State Bar Exam. Alternatively, one can pursue a legal career without a law degree by studying at a law school and then apprenticing for four years in a law office.
New York lawyers are overseen by the Courts. Within three years of passing the Bar Exam, they must undergo a character and fitness evaluation by a peer committee and be officially admitted to practice by the relevant Appellate Division of the Supreme Court. All attorneys are required to renew their registration biennially with the Office of Court Administration and complete ongoing legal education. To verify if a lawyer is licensed to practice in New York State, visit the Office of Court Administration’s (OCA) website.